IASI Skin Temperature (IASI SkT) is a monthly, 1x1 degree global dataset of skin temperatures over land derived from the IASI satellite radiances data. The data was computed using artificial neural networks over a selected set of IASI radiance channels, trained with ERA5-skin temperature product. Emissivity is also used as input in the neural network (Safieddine et al., 2020). This method was applied to the whole IASI time series to produce a homogeneous skin temperature data record from Sept. 2007 to the present. The dataset consists of monthly mean TXT files of around 350 KB each (~total 52 MB for the 200709-201912 period). Each file is a grid organized by latitude (-90 to 89 °N) and longitude (-180 to 180 °E). Night and day data are separated based on the local time of IASI's overpass at each grid point. The sea grid points are filled using NaN. Size of the grid : 180 lines and 361 columns. Separator : comma. Unit : degree Celsius DOI: TBC See latitude.txt and longitude.txt files. See IASI-Flux_and_Temperature_SST_SkT.pdf (Data Manager Plan, OPIDoR) Any questions? sarah.safieddine@latmos.ipsl.fr or cathy.clerbaux@latmos.ipsl.fr